6 Winter Storage Tips for Your eBike: Extend the Life of Your eBike

As winter draws near, many eBike owners often overlook the significance of winter storage maintenance. Once the summer fun is over, it's crucial to prepare your eBike to endure the winter months, ensuring it remains in optimal condition for when the cold weather finally subsides. Here are some essential tips for storing your eBike during winter to safeguard your investment and preserve its performance.

1. Clean Your eBike Thoroughly

Before storing your bike, it’s important to give it a good cleaning. Dirt, dust, and grime left on the frame, wheels, and components can cause damage over time.

  • Wash off any dirt or grime: Use water and a gentle bike cleaner to scrub away any dust and debris from the frame and wheels. Be sure to clean all parts of the bike, including hard-to-reach spots where dirt tends to accumulate.
  • Dry your bike thoroughly: After washing, dry your eBike with a clean towel to prevent rust and moisture buildup.
  • Optional (but recommended): Clean and lubricate the chain:
    • Use a degreaser to clean the chain and cassette. Spray it on and backpedal until the chain is thoroughly scrubbed and free of grime.
    • Rinse and wipe down thoroughly with water and wait for bike to dry. 
    • After cleaning, re-lube the chain. Apply a small drop of chain lube to each link on the top side of the chain, then wipe off any excess with a rag to avoid attracting more dirt.

2. Remove the Battery and Store It Properly

The battery is the most sensitive and expensive component of your eBike and it requires special care during the winter months.

  • Remove the battery from the bike: Cold temperatures can negatively affect the battery’s performance and lifespan, so it’s best to remove it and store it separately.
  • Store the battery in a warm, dry place: The ideal temperature range for storing your battery is between 50-80°F (10-27°C). Avoid storing it in a garage or shed where temperatures can drop below freezing.
  • Maintain a proper charge: It's recommended to store the battery at around 50-80% charge. If possible, check the charge periodically during the winter, and bring it back up to the 50-80% range. We also recommend not letting the battery drop below 20% or overcharge it above 80% for extended periods.
    • To check the charge on your Wildsyde bike you will need to reconnect the battery and power on the display and read the battery level. 

3. Check Tire Pressure

Even though you won’t be riding your eBike, it’s important to ensure the tires are in good condition before storage.

  • Ensure tires are inflated: Make sure your tires are inflated to the recommended pressure, or at least not flat. If left deflated for too long, tires can develop flat spots or become damaged. You don’t need to overinflate, but it’s important to keep them firm.

 4. Think About Where You Store Your eBike

The environment where you store your eBike can make a big difference in its longevity.

  • Avoid storing in a dusty environment: Dust can easily work its way into small gaps and components, making it harder to clean and potentially causing wear on parts.
  • Cover your bike: If you’re storing your eBike in a dirty or unprotected environment (like a garage or shed), it’s a good idea to cover it. A simple bike cover can keep dust, dirt, and moisture at bay. If you don’t have a dedicated bike cover, a tarp or moving blanket and some straps to keep it tight will do the job. 

5. Consider a Yearly Tune-Up

While winter storage is all about protecting your bike, it’s also a good time to think about general maintenance.

  • Get your eBike tuned before the winter: It’s a good idea to bring your bike in for a yearly tune-up, especially before you store it for the season. A professional tune-up will ensure that your bike’s shifting, brakes, and other essential systems are in top working condition.
  • Avoid the spring rush: Winter is typically a slower time for bike shops, so it’s easier to get your bike in and out for service without long wait times. Taking care of maintenance now will save you time and hassle when the weather warms up.

6. Bonus Tip: Consider the Long-Term Care of Your eBike

While winter storage is a short-term concern, taking care of your eBike over the long run is essential for maintaining its performance. If you plan to store your bike for multiple winters, consider investing in a quality indoor storage solution that can keep your bike safe from temperature extremes, humidity, and dust. A tightly wrapped bike cover will work great for this. 


By following these winter storage tips, you’ll be able to keep your eBike in excellent condition and ready for action when the weather warms up. Whether you’re stashing it away for a few months or just need to keep it safe during the colder days, a little extra care now can help ensure your ride stays in top shape for years to come!